Fast reporting that is vital to intelligent discourse and fact-supported decisions are now within reach. Anytime a group of company leaders meets to drive the progress of their business, it becomes an invaluable investment of time and money.
Limit Reporting Bottle Necks
Let’s face it, company meetings often reach dead ends or postponements on important decisions merely because the necessary data to back vital initiatives isn’t available at the moment it’s needed most. Because of this, action is often delayed missed, or else someone ends up going with what their gut is telling them.
Both outcomes are unfavorable, of course, and they can cost a lot of money and opportunity in the end. Not a single CEO, Vice President, or manager would tell you that going with his or her gut is the best way to make business decisions, and likewise, none would agree that timing isn’t imperative. So how can a company make fast, effective, fact-based decisions at the moment they need to be made? Well, often times they can’t, and it’s because they’re using the wrong tools.
A Revolution for Results
Here’s a typical example of how traditional business intelligence and analytical avenues can greatly hinder the progress of a company. Imagine this scenario: A group of executives gather for a meeting to discuss important matters directly affecting the growth of their business. The discussion turns toward a topic requiring supporting data to make the proper decision. However, the decision needs to be made by those in the meeting, and it needs to be made today, better yet—now.
Traditionally, the executives task their business analysts and engineers (IT) with finding out what data there is to support the idea being discussed. Once they’ve determined whether they may have the data they need, they then request the generation of a report that visualizes the information. Unfortunately, this report won’t materialize before the meeting is over, or even in a couple hours. This is because traditional forms of data mining and reporting involve business analysts and engineers, even before any sense can be made of the data points collected. What’s more, it takes both teams to build, decipher and deliver reports that reflect the data in a discernable way. The report workflow is so complex and involveing so many people and so much time. By the time the executives get any report back to support the concept, the burden of the delay may cost more than money. Meanwhile, they’ll stew over how long it takes to get what they need.
The Defining Difference
Now imagine that the same group of executives meets to discuss the same sort of trends and topics related to their business. Only this time, there’s one major difference. When the discussion reaches a topic that needs informations to craft an informed strategy, each individual in the room can quickly access numerable sources of data to support the discussion and the inevitable decisions to follow.
The information is accessed in real time, with each concept tested in detail immediately. The discussion is led to a data-supported and logical conclusion, and it’s all done through a convenient web-based application. This may sound like a stretch? Well, it’s not. Such a solutions actually exists, and it helps companies steer their business in the right direction faster and more efficiently than they ever could.