Founded by former Timeshare & Travel Club Sales Executives and Developers, Market Development Partners, formerly known as, Aurion Marketing Solutions is highly sensitive to the biggest obstacle in the marketing business, short term thinking.
MDP is currently evaluating our maildrop , and lead uploading performance module. It permits uploads of millions of names, for tracking mailpiece saturation, respondents, and enables the call center people to track the original mailed off based on confirmation codes designed for tracebak.
Some of the benefits they have already discover are…
1) Greater analytics on lead sources and source performance.
2) Creating smarter rep list assignments by evaluating reps performance by list.
3) Higher show rates and conversion rates, by pairing the right rep with the right leads and the right confirmer.
” As says their website “…MDP decided to bring marketing in house. In time, that division was the bright star of our business. After considerable evaluation of the current state of affairs in the industry we made the decision to concentrate 100% of our business on providing quality prospects to the Timeshare & Travel Club segments, and they haven’t looked back. We stopped outsourcing to mail houses and call centers and internalized the entire process. This made a world of difference for us when we were in your seat as it will for you. Now our tour generation is tightly controlled and mission critical is exceeding your expectations!