Discover New Ways TrackResults Power Users are Diving Deeper Into Marketing and Sales Insight, at a Glance.


We’ve created an all new Custom Tour Form that has significantly multiplied our ever popular notes capacity. If you have multiple questions crammed into any one of our existing note fields, you can now break those questions out. Each into their own little home.


All this comes with an enhanced Sales Detail View that allows you to quickly scan for the details you seek. You will now see emphasized note titles and a dedicated section for all of your Custom Form information. We even display the questions that are missing answers. That way you can address who ever is leaving their work incomplete.


We know you are busy, and when it comes to quickly scanning for important information, access to every little trick in the book helps. Become a TrackResults power user today and contact us for access.

Training for Account Managers:


Original Use Cases:

Client requires their Sales Reps to answer a series of questions. Historically, they had to cram multiple questions into the single “Sales Notes” record, using some sort of delimitation to separate each question. It was a challenge for the Sales Reps to keep their questions / responses consistent, and it was very difficult to for managers to quickly read and identify trends. As a result, we were tasked with building multiple note fields (15 to start) so the client could break each question out into a separate field. This was done so the client could clearly define the questions to be answered, but also to make the information more easily legible.


Then, at the request of a second client, we were tasked with displaying the form questions/responses in the Sales Detail View, concatenated within a single section. This was done to preserve real estate and to prevent white space when questions were left un responded.



It can only be assumed that a client will want to change the “Question” displayed on a form note.

  • Option #1) Disable the “old” field and enable a “new” field with the new question until there are no more “spare” note fields. Eventually, development will be required to build more fields. However, it must also be considered that, when disabling the “old” fields, historical information will be hidden from review. That issue will then lead to keeping the “old” field enabled, but with a prefix like “IGNORE” or “DEPRECATED” added to the label so it is not answered on future tours. The final result will be an unappealing UI.
  • Option #2) Insert the old custom label as a note record on the fields that have existing note records. Then, change the custom label to the new “Question” at the system administration level. Though it may be rare that a user will go into an old tour and complete new questions, the addition of the old label as a note record will provide a separation between the old question/responses and the new question/responses – effectively creating an audit history, or bookmark of the change.
    • inserting the old custom label on multiple old records can be achieved by submitting a dev request and should be done prior to updating the field to the new question.



Customer data is the core of your organization. It allows you to engage with customers and prospects to deliver exactly what they need. Customer data is only as valuable as it is accurate, so it’s crucial that you have confidence in the data that is influencing your decisions. By cleansing your data, you will see many benefits:


  1. Improved data quality – By cleaning your data, the problem of incorrect, tainted data is effectively removed. This will help create a more efficient prospect list which will dramatically boost your customer acquisition efforts.
  1. Increased productivity – By having a database that has been cleaned and properly maintained, management can maximize staff productivity and efficiency by quickly and confidently finding reliable records.
  1. Improved account management- Having a clean database gives you the power to more effectively analyze and manage your company’s spending and creates clear opportunities for upsells. Clean records display where funds are going and if there are any ways to cut costs.


At the end of the day confidence, or lack thereof is what really influences key decisions. The best way to create this confidence is to have a credible third party audit your data hygiene and help correct any areas that need improvement.


The TrackResults Revenue Detail View now offers more custom features than ever before. With up to 12 columns of data, you can summarize Sale Amounts, Down Payments, Remaining Balances, and include up to 5 Fee Types.

One of our most prominent clients came to us with a request to not only break out how Down Payments were being collected, but also how much was collected per payment method. While this is just one example of use, it’s a big one. For reconciliation purposes alone, they’ve already saved a significant amount of accounting time, but now they also have analytical insight into what methods are most effective for collecting down-payments.



Let us customize the Revenue Detail View for you too. We are now able to summarize on three previously unavailable fee types, and use custom naming to match your preferred terminology. If you don’t use all of the available data points, we simply won’t show them on your view.

How would you like to put your revenue data to work?

Vida Vacations has been using the In-House Marketing Module for a few years in 4 other sales locations in Mexico, and this year they have decided to expand and implement its use at their two resorts, The Grand Mayan and the Mayan Palace, in Puerto Peñasco, state of Baja California Norte, Mexico.

TrackResults has developed a proprietary recruiting tool in conjunction with our client, Parliament Marketing. This new feature allows recruiting ads to be placed on any website with custom URL’s that drive applicants to a form where they can apply, upload a resume and cover letter, and view open positions. All of their application data is deposited into TrackResults via a custom connector with Gravity Forms that incorporates Google Analytics data for a full view of their application process.

This data is then aggregated and used to determine which ads and recruiting websites produce the best candidates and allow Parliament Marketing to hire the best OPC’s at the lowest cost. Parliament’s recruiters are now utilizing TrackResults to analyze and optimize their performance in the same way that sales teams use it to analyze their tour performance.

Sound interesting? Contact Sean Nickerson ( to find out more.

TrackResults has paid off a bit of Tech Debt and brought in some “Focus” to a few areas of the UX.
Featured Fix:
  • Customer Lookup is in Focus! Previously when typing search criteria into the Customer Lookup Bar, clicking Enter would trigger other action buttons on the same page before triggering the search. For example if you lookup-fixwere in a report builder and decided to do a quick search using the lookup, clicking enter would unexpectedly run the Analyze button rather than your search… Annoying right? Well we agree, so we fixed it!
    note: this issue was browser based, so you may need to clear your browser Cache in order for this fix to properly apply.
Other Improvements:
  • Dashboards: when setting your pane to report on and to sort by either abbreviated months, or by hours (fodashsortr example: Tour Times) the pane will now display the sort chronologically. Previously, these values would only sort alphabetically.
  • Dashboards: when adding a new pane or updating an existing pane the dashboard UX now brings you right to the pane you are working on, regardless of how big your dashboard is. Previously, updates would be saved to the pane, but you would be brought to the top of the Dashboard which may or may not show the pane you were working on.
The product team at TrackResults has started December strong. Here are a few of our latest updates.copypane
Featured, New Feature:
  • Dashboard Users now have the ability to create a Copy of any existing Dashboard Pane – saving significant time when creating multiple displays. Additionally, users can copy panes from one dashboard to another*, or even copy a pane to an individual report. Just look for the copy icon shown on the Pane when in Live-Edit Mode.

New Features & Improvements:

  • Users who are tracking Pender Cancellation Requests that later turn into a Save (aka Superseded Contract) now have workflow validation that requires the superseded contract to be initially set as “Pender”. After saving the superseding contract as a Pender, it can then be changed to it’s final status. This process assures all calculations in the Pender Efficiency and Lost Volume Efficiency Views are accurate.
  • Customer Log-in pages have new messaging. Don’t forget to contact us so we can add your company logo, or custom messaging!
 Bugs Fixed:
  • Repaired errors that occurred when using the Analytics Quick Flip tool – specifically, when changing from the Sales Efficiency to the Pender Efficiency View.
Customers Upgraded:
  • Twenty-three accounts are now upgraded to the latest version (29.08) of TrackResults Software.

*copying from one dashboard to another can be done only if the destination dashboard is a personal “My Dashboard” type.