TrackResults Software, the vacation ownership industry’s only Business Intelligence exclusive solution, announced today that they have unveiled version 6.0 at the Amdetur convention in Cancun.

Features that are available in this upgrade are –
Detailed Pending business tracking
Mutli-select for Teams, Locations, and Sales centers. 
OPC deposit tracking ( refundable or non-refundable )
Ability to delete a single tour  (from multi tour customers)
Pending sales column added to Efficiency Reports
Seperation of Closing costs / application fee’s ( 1x fees) from sales volume
Recording of Maintenance fee’s or Dues collected
Membership# field added
Owner vs. Non Owner stats  (reload tour reporting)
Method of payment picklists
Purchase disposition ( trade-in credit , cashing out, etc)
Field level auditing of changes ( Jane changed status to Verified @ 11:13am)
Faster loading pages and quicker results from db tuning.

Jesus Betanzos - TrackResults VP sales - Latin America



TrackResults development team and cloud specialists worked tirelessly in response to client requests to analyze the business rules of the vacation ownership industry’s weakest sales processes. The most effective way to enhance our business intelligence solution for timeshares and travel clubs was to deliver what clients are asking for. Datacubes can be sliced, and diced, even further. Oh yeah, and its faster !

Yutsil at Amdetur 2011 Cancun


Read more



We are now also accesable from!!!


TrackResults Software, is pleased to announce that it has expanded our online presence by acquiring the domain name

Read more about the impact

Take the TrackResults Business Intelligence test.  We dare ya !


Sat, March 26, 2011- TrackResults arrived in Orlando today for the American Resort Developers Association ( ARDA) annual convention held every other spring in Florida. ( Odd years held in Florida, Even years in Las Vegas).

Drew Reynolds, Co-founder says””We are very excited to continue bringing more and more Sales Buisiness Intelligence to the Industry. We were the first to develop it, and so far, since 2006 , we still are the only ones who offer it as a sole focus”. We love being the best in our niche, We just have a passion for our analytics.
Once upon a time,  Developers used to see our name ” TrackResults software” , and incorrectly think ..oh, more resort timeshare software. Nowadays, 6 years later, its different , and Business Intelligence is almost synonymous with our name.
Todd says: “We were offering our SaaS application before people understood it. Now with the “Cloud” getting media attention, and validated by the giants like Google, Twitter, Facebook ,et al,  clients are embracing our technology. They are ALL cloud applications, Software as a Service.  We don’t sell ” software”, we sell service. The service is what counts.


More details on the features being debuted at ARDA 2011 are available here


1) Google style type ahead suggestions for searches everywhere
2) Day of the week specific filtering read more
3) Monthly comparitives. ( This month but last year)
4) Appointment Time / Tourtime filters
5) Multiple value slection in picklists
6) Performance Spotlighter – Highs are colored in TrackResults famous “Orange” ( of course we were “Orange” before the other guys) and low performers displayed in the TrackResults “Blues”. read more
7) Fast Report View Switching
8) VLO Module – Track Cancellations, Reasons, Officers, Proven to reduce recision rates !
9) New Security Roles
Team Executive role, for Non director type managers overseeing multiple marketing teams.
Loan Officer role – for those handling private data  , perfect for VLO’s ,
role – when you need to track a unique position type)
10) Owner / Non Owner predesignations

Topics / features proposed from clients for discussion this year are ” document storage”, ” integration” , ” all-in cost per tour ” , “preferred agent” , “Goal dashboards for each rep” , “Rankings” list,” weekly State of the Industry metrics ” and ” Lead pipeline assignment”

We put up a website with a blog, ( weB LOG )  so prospects can learn about using SaaS for Business Intelligence.  We still wear our Orange Poloshirts and flip flops. Jesus has contributed alot to TrackResults and has bult some great relationships with clients. BI is critical to maximize every dollar , so we get tons of personal satisfaction watching our clients succeed. That’s our favorite part.  It’s sink or swim out there”

More details on the features being debuted at ARDA 2011 are available here


December,2010–> TrackResults aquires Resort Promotions Inc. Assets

TrackResults Software this month concluded transfer of all assets from Resort Promotions Inc. This included all software code, hardware, licenses, contracts, client lists, prospects, proprietary rights and development rights, including the domain
Both companies are based in Utah, and the principles have a relationship going back over 6 years, around the time both companies were building,and going commercial. (Back then, in the “old days”… TrackResults and staff even shared ideas. )

Says Drew Reynolds: “Resort Promotions Inc is a good acquisition for us, since historically they focused thier marketing efforts towards tour generators, and TrackResults focused our marketing efforts towards the Sales centers executives.”

Over the next two weeks, RPI clients using the domain will be redirected to their new servers on the domain. TrackResults uses the newest Elastic Cloud and IP addressing features of Amazons Web services, providing a wider variety of scalable resources available, and clients should see an immediate performance improvement.
We can literally hydrate and deploy additional servers on demand,( instances) for any client in less than 5 Min’s flat if needed, and configure reserved instances for use, automatic doubling or tripling thier resources during heavy usage (peaktime) periods, and throttling back resources for the wee hours of the morning.
This is an invisible migration of servers, and has not interupted businesss operations at all.

This acquisition helps the vacation ownership industry as a whole by offering prospects a concentrated source for business intelligence and sales reporting. Having this broader client base, resources ( sales, advertising, licenses, etc) that once were duplicated between the companies are now combined for efficiency, reducing costs for customizations and technology development. In the long term,as we continue to deploy to lateral market clients, we can leverage both existing codes, taking the best of both worlds feature-wise.
TrackResults is currently maintaining a few of the previous RPI clients as limited version users on the older static reports ( “Marketers Version” ), while the majority of the other clients are upgrading to the “Full” TrackResults v5.0 dynamic reporting and decision support software currently licensed to the rest of our clients. We want to help them have better sales reporting and tracking.

November 2010 – VIDA VACATION CLUB in conjuntion with TrackResults software developed a custom “VLO module “. Business Intelligence on reducing cancellations, improving save percentages, and increasing overall customer satisfaction is now available exclusively by TrackResults software.
Vida Vacation Club, The new label with enhanced service for the Grupo Vidanta timeshare giant just completed rollout in its largest sales center in Mexico of TrackResults version 5.5.22.
Version 5.5.22 contains the VLO module, designed specifically for
1) higher sales retention 2) reducing rescission by profiling reasons deals try to unwind
and 3) identifying the best resources to put canceling sales back in the box.

TrackResults specialists trained, and brainstormed with everyone in Nuevo Vallarta to put the best processes in place according to their business rules.

Vida’s Member Services dept. is already speeding up and improving new member experience and service using the TrackResults VLO module. The impact of this module is having immediate positive effects. Specialists at Vida will soon be escalating high priority tickets to the best person capable of resolving the issue, due to TrackResults analytics and Business Intelligence reports.

VLO’s at Vida can now report on dozens of factors, which affect the kick rate, and improve retention of new sales. Testimonials from key personnel, at the International Sales conference held in October 2010 in Chicago stated the company is generating or saving ” literally millions and millions of dollars each year, using the TrackResults Business Intelligence platform”
From the Marketing depts. up thru the Sales depts., VLO depts., and eventually to the desk of the corporate Directors, everyone is on the same page, and making faster, smarter business decisions.

Says Chief Technology Officer, “You guys seem less like a software company, and more like expert consultants who truly understand our process, and use your software as a tool for intelligence…” Compliments don’t come better than that!
Thank you all for your patience (Especially Brett, Kevin, Priscilla and ALL the Vida VLO’s) and allowing us to build you a module nobody in the industry has ever done before! It was fun and challenging to meet the goals. We are proud to have you as clients.

The Vida Vacation club is owned by Grupo Vidanta, arguably the SECOND or THIRD LARGEST TIMESHARE Company in the world right now, based on sales volume. TrackResults Business Intelligence software completely encompasses the sales and marketing of Vida’s excellent resort inventory, including the Grand Mayan Resorts, Mayan Palace Resorts, Grand Luxxe Villas , Grand Bliss Resorts, and the Sea Garden Resorts.
PS … now stop reading websites, and get back to work! Pura Vida !

MAY 2010- Sunshine Resorts adds new marketing fields to thier TrackResults.

Sunshine Resorts added new marketing fields to thier TrackResults.
Margret P.-” We wanted a few more fields to really be able to “dial-in” our marketing and track results closer, so Trackresults
applied the new fields to our system the same day. It was fantastic. I had no idea they kept “reserve” fields available
from legacy versions of TrackResults, which could be applied to thier newest version.. We are very pleased to have these new tracking criteria available to us for reporting.”

Features highlighted in 2009

Here are a few of the new features and ways to track results custom built for some of our clients in 2008 and 2009:

  • Confirm your Bookings / Appts? – MArketers, Do you confirm all bookings? Searchable and Reportable This feature allows you to track the performance of Confirmed tours from your call canter vs. the Unconfirmed tours. Does double or triple confirming of tours produce measurable benefits?
  • “Confirmers”
    Track your Confirmers – Which confirmers are better? Who needs improvement? Searchable and Reportable
  • ” Hotels “.
    Field with DropDown menu of your custom Hotels list. Searchable, Reportable, Configurable. This feature is configurable in your Administration Control Panel. Create, Add, Modify a list of Hotels your Tours are staying in for mini-vacs or Daytours.
  • Appt. “Resetters”
    Added new role /field for “Marketing Appt Resetters”
    Track your resetting dept – Searchable and Reportable
  • “Marketing Closers”
    Track your Call Center “closers”. Searchable and Reportable
  • “2nd Closer / Tripler ”
    Use a 2nd TO on your closing Tables? Track your Sales Center “Triplers” VPG’s. Searchable and Reportable in all reports.
  • Redesigned “TourDisposition” Field
    Now you can Disposition Qualified tours at many levels as well as your NQ’s. If you pay different prices for different Qualifications of your tours, this feature is for you ! All Dispositions are Searchable and Reportableas Efficiency Reports. VPG by “Disposition”
  • New Search Capabilities and EFFICIENCY REPORTS in GROUPBY: MENU
    Run Efficiency reports on your clients / Tours groupedby City, State, Zipcode,or Country.
    Combine these criteria with specific agents to improve performance for certain demographics.
  • SEARCH by ” TOUR ID# ” Previuosly hidden TourID# ‘s are now displayed so you can reference a tour by ID# in addition to other criteria
  • Hidden “Sales Notes” Feature
    A perfect way for the sales dept to isolate CSR and CRM information from the Marketing depts, if you choose. Perfect for Sales centers using Third party Tour Generators. EXCLUSIVE to Trax: These notes are Searchable by wildcard strings, and you can even run efficiency reports using keywords.
  • ” CUSTOM ” Tour Status
    By popular demand, You can assign a Non-Calculated Tour Status to your tours. Non-Calculated means tours with this “custom: status will not effect your efficiency reports as a Q or NQ tour. Sales Volume is calculated into reports, without taking the hit for a Q / NQ. Examples of using this feature are “Be Backs”, “Upgrades”, “Downgrades” ,”Muliple contracts on a single tour”, Unique financing conditions”,or anything your organization wants to Track as a Tour Status without effecting your Qualified Tours status. This field can be Renamed by our sysadmins for you. Searchable and Reportable.
  • Track Multiple Campaigns from a Single Venue or Location.
    Picture this: You have 3 booths in the same convention hall offering three different Promotions. How do they compare? Marketers DROPPING MAIL?
    Mail Drop Tracking
    Each maildrop has its own campaign ID# for VPG reporting. Each Postcard design has it’s own Campaign ID#.
  • April ’08 – New Features Added- TrackResults rolls out v4.1.0.35

    TRS rolled out a major upgraded version this month, v4.1.0.35 to many clients. This upgrade was implemented in the wee hours of the morning, with our servers offline for about 30 minutes. It was amazing to notice how many users called at 3am, wondering why TrackResults was “down”. It’s 3am guys .. go to bed !

    The upgrade includes:

  • NEW: Comparative Reports – View Week, Month,and Year to Date Side-by-side.
  • NEW: “Report by” feature – Provides reports by Gift, TourTime, Day of Week, GuestType, and much more.
  • NEW: Manifest Tab displays TourTimes Summary.
  • NEW: Click through links to Tour Reports and Update Tours feature direct from the new Manifest Tab features.
  • NEW: Update TourStatus on multi-selected tours all at once.
  • NEW: Custom Export Criteria – Now you can select specific tour records for Export to Excel.
  • NEW: Date Picker on search page retrieves dates instantly now from your local system bios – (ps. make sure your local machine has today’s date correct! lol
  • May 1, 2007 – TRS Rolls out TRAX v4.0.7.18

    TRS rolled out another upgrade this month to all existing clients who wanted it. This upgrade was implemented at no cost to clients, almost invisibly, with our servers offline for about a minute and a half. ( 87 seconds)
    The upgrade included

  • Added “Breadcrumbs” to all pages. You cant get lost
  • Added “Products Management” feature for Product Sales Reporting
  • Applied security of the “Time” Field to the Smart-Calendar ”
  • Added “Average Deal Size” to sales reports” Discover who’s leaving money on the tables.
    Enjoy !

  • March 2006 – TrackResults upgrades architecture to ASP.Net 2.0

    TrackResults changed its software development direction from script-based languages like PHP, CGI, Perl and Java to Microsoft’s .Net 2.0 framework, and completed the core redevelopment of our primary application. Released as Version 4.0.0, 100% of the exisiting TRS clients who were offered the free upgrade took advantage of the offer.

    ASP.Net now enables TRS to run as a truly “enterprise class” application, overcoming previous limitations found with script based languages.