Features highlighted in 2009
Here are a few of the new features and ways to track results custom built for some of our clients in 2008 and 2009:
Track your Confirmers – Which confirmers are better? Who needs improvement? Searchable and Reportable
Field with DropDown menu of your custom Hotels list. Searchable, Reportable, Configurable. This feature is configurable in your Administration Control Panel. Create, Add, Modify a list of Hotels your Tours are staying in for mini-vacs or Daytours.
Added new role /field for “Marketing Appt Resetters”
Track your resetting dept – Searchable and Reportable
Track your Call Center “closers”. Searchable and Reportable
Use a 2nd TO on your closing Tables? Track your Sales Center “Triplers” VPG’s. Searchable and Reportable in all reports.
Now you can Disposition Qualified tours at many levels as well as your NQ’s. If you pay different prices for different Qualifications of your tours, this feature is for you ! All Dispositions are Searchable and Reportableas Efficiency Reports. VPG by “Disposition”
Run Efficiency reports on your clients / Tours groupedby City, State, Zipcode,or Country.
Combine these criteria with specific agents to improve performance for certain demographics.
A perfect way for the sales dept to isolate CSR and CRM information from the Marketing depts, if you choose. Perfect for Sales centers using Third party Tour Generators. EXCLUSIVE to Trax: These notes are Searchable by wildcard strings, and you can even run efficiency reports using keywords.
By popular demand, You can assign a Non-Calculated Tour Status to your tours. Non-Calculated means tours with this “custom: status will not effect your efficiency reports as a Q or NQ tour. Sales Volume is calculated into reports, without taking the hit for a Q / NQ. Examples of using this feature are “Be Backs”, “Upgrades”, “Downgrades” ,”Muliple contracts on a single tour”, Unique financing conditions”,or anything your organization wants to Track as a Tour Status without effecting your Qualified Tours status. This field can be Renamed by our sysadmins for you. Searchable and Reportable.
Picture this: You have 3 booths in the same convention hall offering three different Promotions. How do they compare? Marketers DROPPING MAIL?
Mail Drop Tracking
Each maildrop has its own campaign ID# for VPG reporting. Each Postcard design has it’s own Campaign ID#.