SKS signed with TrackResults in order to deliver a much more user friendly manifest to thier clients. Previously fax, and email was the process. TrackResults online scheduling and calendar Intelligent manifest allows for immediate communication between the call centers and their sales location sites.
Intelligent manifesting allows the call center to be extremely proactive in rescheduling No Show tours, and making contact the moment thier appt time has passed and the system dispositions the tour as a No Show. This demonstrates to the prospect that the sales site is technologically advanced ,professional, and communicative. Studies have proven that No Shows whom have rescheduled within 30 minutes of tour time have a tremendously higher Show rate.. than those contacted the following day.
Before TrackResults, ( and still to this day) some sales sites STILL dont communicate to their marketing dept results of tours until the following day. Yes.. we said the NEXT day ! Unbelievable, isnt it?