Microsoft .NET 4.0 Enterprise class Technology: Secure
- Product Development has decided on the platform .NET based on several factors.
- .NET contains one of the worlds largest and most flexible set of usable development classes and objects.
- .Net contains the best and most reliable development framework needed to build highly secure and scalable web applications.
- The technology is built, tested, and well documented. .Net is the most mature platform in the industry.
- .NET gains performance benefits over other script-based technologies ( ie: PHP) by compiling the server-side code to one or a few DLL files on the web server.
This happens transparently in the background the first time a page is requested. This provides the ease of development offered by scripting languages with the performance benefits of a compiled binary. - The .Net framework enables TRS to create Enterprise class applications.Banks, Stocktraders, and Airlines have overwhelmingly migrated to .Net as the online database framework for thier web-based security, versatility and reliability. Start paying attention to the URL addressbar on your browser. When you see the .aspx extention, you’ll learn to recognize a .Net application webpage.
- .Net means consistancy.Although “open-source” systems, allow and encourage independant development of operating systems, a major flaw in open-source coding (ie: php )is lots of patchwork,and it can become a nightmare when development is transferred to another coder.When a developer writes .Net, one programmer can continue working where the first finished. Its a recipe for solid coding.
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