What are Smart Goals?

S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for the 5 steps of specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based goals. It’s a simple tool used by businesses to go beyond the realm of fuzzy goal-setting into an actionable plan for results.

Specific: Great goals are well-defined and focused. “Obtain 2 new billion dollar corporate clients in the Boston property insurance market” is more meaningful to mobilize your team than “Get more business.” Ryan Blair, The Goals Guy eloquently states,”Focus creates a powerful force: goal power. The moment you focus on a goal, your goal becomes a magnet, pulling you and your resources toward it. The more focused your energies, the more power you generate.”

Measurable: A goal without a measurable outcome is like a sports competition without a scoreboard or scorekeeper. Numbers are an essential part of business. Put concrete numbers in your goals to know if you’re on track. A goal white board posted in your office can help as a daily reminder to keep yourself and your employee focused on the targeted results you want to attain.

Attainable: Far too often, small businesses can set goals beyond reach. No one has ever built a billion dollar business overnight. Venture capitalists and angel investors discard countless business plans of companies with outlandish goals. Dream big and aim for the stars but keep one foot firmly based in reality. Check with your industry association to get a handle on realistic growth in your industry to set smart goals.

Relevant Achievable business goals are based on the current conditions and realities of the business climate. You may desire to have your best year in business or increase revenue by 50%, but if a recession is looming and 3 new competitors opened in your market, then your goals aren’t relevant to the realities of the market.

Time-Based: Business goals and objectives just don’t get done when there’s no time frame tied to the goal-setting process. Whether your business goal is to increase revenue by 20% or find 5 new clients, choose a time-frame to accomplish your goal.

Smart Goal Sample

So what does a smart goal look like? Based on the acronym, our example would state, ““Obtain 2 new billion dollar corporate clients in the Boston property insurance market by the end of this fiscal year through networking and marketing activities.”

Once your business goals are SMART, break down each goal into a specific set of tasks and activities to accomplish your goals. It’s important to periodically review your goals and make adjustments if necessary. Goal setting for your small business is an essential tool for success. Remember in the end to be SMART.

How many attributes does it take to generate 3 BILLION dollars in net sales?
( all numbers are approximate, using End date Dec 31, 2012)

Choo Choo train image  Last year alone TrackResults added the following growth factors to hit the aggregate milestones below: Our clients added $920 million in sales, 1.2 million new tours, 2,927 new liners, closers , and OPC’s working in 1,702 new venues, in 208 offices on 43 new domains.

  (3B) sales ( Dollars) volume produced using TrackResults intelligence.
5,039,238   timeshare and travel club tours manifested
82,251  report combinations available selecting only 4 of these attributes.
26,299  timeshare and vacation club professionals have been tracked
11,803  unique TrackResults users.
7,805  active industry professionals currently being analyzed for performance
6,872  mail, daydrive, and OPC marketing venues rated
659 unique sales locations & call centers accessed our manifests.
123  domains deliver TrackResults marketing intelligence

58  attributes you can isolate or combine for instant intelligence
13  TrackResults Certified Marketers. 
  company professionals that assist you.
1 day required to train your whole team.
.01%  tolerance for bugs, slugs, lame ass reporting, and complacency.
ZERO ! The number of industry companies with our analytics capability. 

and a Partridge in a Peartree.
Happy New Year to the Timeshare Industry.
… Complacency : self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of deficiencies 

SKS signed with TrackResults in order to deliver a much more user friendly manifest to thier clients. Previously fax, and email was the process. TrackResults online scheduling and calendar Intelligent manifest allows for immediate communication between the call centers and their sales location sites.

Intelligent manifesting allows the call center to be extremely proactive in rescheduling No Show tours, and making contact the moment thier appt time has passed and the system dispositions the tour as a No Show.   This demonstrates to the prospect that the sales site is technologically advanced ,professional, and communicative.  Studies have proven that No Shows whom have rescheduled within 30 minutes of tour time have a tremendously higher Show rate.. than those contacted the following day.

Before TrackResults, ( and still to this day) some sales sites STILL dont communicate to their marketing dept results of tours until the following day.  Yes..  we said the NEXT day !  Unbelievable, isnt it?

 TrackResults Software, in conjunction with Amdetur, the voice and political arm of the Mexican Timeshare industry , recently released the second (2nd) of a five (5) part article series on using statistics and analytics for a competitive advantage in the November 2012 issue ” NotiTur. ”

Authored by Jesus Betanzos, Director of Latin America business development, the published article is newsworthy on its own.  Included in the issue, and touted on the front cover they are alerting readers to the forthcoming inside peeks at Mexican efficiencies and statistics being provided exclusively to Amdetur.To read the full article, click here.



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TrackResults Software has been nominated for three Perspective Magazine GNEX awards.  We have been nominated for Best Service Provider, Best Technology award, and Best Business Product.   Please follow the instructions below to cast your vote for TrackResults Software in each of the three categories.

  1. Vote in each of TrackResults’ 3 nominated categories by clicking the following links
    Best Technology
    Best Service Provider
    Best Business Product

Thank you so much for all of your continued support.  We know we couldn’t have achieved even this much without all of your support.