Wholesale Escapes, just implemented TrackResults Business Intelligence for slicing and dicing their data this month.  Set-up concluded on 5/6/2011 immediately enjoying futures like digital manifesting, data mash-ups, pinpointing KPI and applying technology not labor to indentify best practices.

Thanks to Billy! Good luck and welcome to TrackResults!!!  


MOR , an RDA member, and a member of the Resorts of Distinction group is in discussions with us over new features for TrackResults including contract storage and retrieval, along with a few other clients of ours for a couple of other features (pipeline assignment is almost completed) they expect will fill all thier needs with one system. Our roundtable discussion with 1/2 a dozen other TrackResults clients in Cancun attendance last week achieved a basic consensus.

Midwest Outdoor Resorts knows we work fast, and added TrackResults in its South Dakota Resort “Rushmore Shadows” ( 2nd resort) back in 2009.
After using Trackresults analytics and web-based reporting for a year (2008) in its other location, it seemed wise for them to consolidate both centers into one reporting interface.
We are always proud to see our member clients grow and expand thier use of our systems. Thank you Pam , Paul, and the rest of you for your continued loyalty. Remember, it is reciprocal, and we appreciate your commitment.



Jan 2011-  VDP is now running TrackResults Business Intelligence v5.0 with much success. They required only a few tiny tweaks to have Trax accomodate thier business rules.

Villa’s newest Resort, a gorgeous property located by Cancun experienced it’s Grand opening on Christmas Day, and Trackresults was already there to start gathering analytics for the salesline as well as both inhouse marketing, and outside OPC generated tours.
Within days.. both positive and negative patterns already were already being discovered, and improvements applied. Within a month, they decided they needed us in all plazas across the country.

( Interestingly, the pre-existing software they are using was returning insufficient and conflicting results against the Trax analytics, and upon reconciling and auditing.. TrackResults was validated as having the most correct information. Makes you think, hmmmm….)

Thank you to GO,MP,BK and the others who made this happen for us. Good luck, and remember, we are always here for you guys.


Says M Piff, Director of sales,

“ It’s intuitive and user friendly… We are very pleased with the high quality of their
customer service… TrackResults is worth every penny of our investment. We have already recovered more than we spent.”

E-Tour BPO Services in Pasig city, Phillipines contracted with TrackResults today. They generate tours through internet websites, using OPT-IN , permission based marketing.
Thank Paul for hooking us up with DirectBuy

December – 2010 BravoSelect gets it own TrackResults

BravoSelect Marketing , a Florida based Tour Generator that sends to almost a dozen different sales centers finally obtained thier own license to use TrackResults across thier organization. Good Luck BravoSelect ! Bravo on your decision to use our Decision Support Software (DSS)
“Says  Vice President: I’m so glad to be back on Tracks, we had it at our other call center, and we loved it. when I moved to this company without the system,, I really missed it

Laurel Codella


RedRocks , based out of the Eastern Missouri, just completed administrative setup and BI training with us. It took only a couple hours until they were online, and starting to generate Business Intelligence data. The best part of TrackResults software is .. (still being debated). Welcome RedRocks !

Says Jack , CEO,
“I’m a big sports fan, and I check the boxscores of all of my favorite teams on a daily basis. TracResults allows me to check out the stats of my different sales sites everyday.. It’s invaluable to not only track how your sales team is doing, but to also see if certain gifts perform better than others, or what tour times have a better show rate. Plus TracResults helps our company track which marketing companies have the best show rate and the best VPG for our various locations. We look forward to a long term relationship with the TracResults team.”

Primarily an RV and Outdoorsman type vacation club is a member of the Resorts of Distinction, and a new client to TrackResults software. Subsidized by the Resort Developers Association, Lighthouse Resort has preferred pricing on thier hosting licenses. For EB, JL, and the others, we hang out the huge blinking ” Welcome” sign. Enjoy.

October 2010 -Global Vacation Network adds 4 more sales centers on their TrackResults domain.

In addition to the previous sales centers now GVN is also running TrackResults analytics and Business Intelligence on their Homeparty divisions (“Special teams”). The results have been almost instantaneous , allowing them to “dial in” on the most effective campaigns, tighten the budget on non-perming campaigns,and expanding their successes. Thank you TD and the rest of you who went through the dizzingly fast paced expansion. You guys are great, and super professional.

SEPTEMBER 2010 – Breakout Marketing – Tour Generator online with TrackResults

TrackResults welcomes JL, and his team to the world of digital manifested tours. As a VO Tour generator, BOM wisely recognized that many other generators use TrackResults, and to remain competitive, as well as budget concious, we were really the only viable choice.
We welcome BOM as a new client, and send many thanks and best wishes in business, with Business Intelligence.

AUGUST 2010 – Triton Travel chooses TrackResults software over others.

This New England group is using trackResults in both fixed and semi-permanent locations for all its CRM, VPG, BI and ERP needs. We are gald to add them to our client list, and wish them the best prosperity. We are always happy to give a client a competitive advantage… always. Thank you BC and RC. Welcome aboard.