TrackResults just doubled its capacity in the Cloud. TrackResults is a flexible and scale-able platform, which allowed us to  double capacity within a short maintenance window with no downtime. We added 4 more servers, each with 8 processors and 16 gigs or RAM… This is ” on demand” scalability and elasticity.

 Database server clones were deployed ( hydrated), as well as web servers,  and every TrackResults customer will see an immediate benefit with faster reporting, booking, exporting and importing.  The increase in capacity also supports the record growth TrackResults and its clients have been experiencing.   

This increase in resources was a smart move to preempt bottlenecks in performance.  With all the new features in version 6.5 , like the major API build we just completed, we can connect to existing legacy systems like TimeshareWare and with custom modifications, most CRM’s. Clients with multiple Trax systems can also automatically talk to one another , if desired.
Read about details about these new features  [more]
The API is great because its been designed to do all the heavy lifting for the developer, following the same philosophy as the rest of our applications, easy to use with powerful results.
  • Version 6.5 also has the ability to activate additional modules such as
  • Pender Come Good analysis,
  • Call center efficiency,
  • Courtesy tour as “Q”‘s calculations
  • Security log auditing
  • Graphical displays for charting and reporting and more.
Additionally,  thousand of users are logging on through thier smartphones daily, so we decided to be proactive to make thier mobile access faster. In essence,  we pumped up the volume and bandwidth.