All of us are kids, and we all know that Mom wants something special. TrackResults wants to make sure you’re atop the FCS rankings this Mother’s Day!

Votes below will be collected, analyzed, and reported back Thursday Morning. TrackResults knows you care about your ranking, we’ll leave you with enough time to make any necessary Amazon Prime orders to ensure top billing.

Which Gift Will Boost Your Favorite Kid Score (FCS) Score the Most?

TrackResults is looking out for every mother. We want to help make sure you’re receiving the gift you actually want this Mother’s Day, not just the gift your kids think you want!

Data collected below will be analyzed and reported back Thursday morning, which leaves enough time to share it on Facebook and tag your family. Let’s help all the mothers out there, and make sure if someone needs to add something to their Amazon Prime cart, we help make sure it’s delivered before Sunday!


What Gift Increases Favorite Kid Score (FCS) Score the Most?

TrackResults Analytics is excited to see so many companies maturing in technology. This proactive approach allows aggressive capture of strategic advantages and larger market share, simply by applying  higher level analysis than your competitors.
Jesus Betanzos, : VP  Latin America BizDev, says, “The primary difference is the ability to easily apply multi-directional analysis to the reports used in the decision-making process.”

In their book “Com­pet­ing on Ana­lyt­ics,” Thomas Dav­en­port and Jeanne Har­ris empha­size the impor­tance of trust and cred­i­bil­ity between the ana­lyst and deci­sion maker. “Deci­sion mak­ers typ­i­cally don’t have the time or abil­ity to per­form analy­ses them­selves.With a ‘close, trust­ing rela­tion­ship’ in place,  exec­u­tives will frame their needs cor­rectly, the ana­lysts will ask the right ques­tions, and the exec­u­tives will be more likely to take action on analy­sis they trust.”

General report­ing only trans­lates raw data into infor­ma­tion, whereas  analytics trans­form data and infor­ma­tion into insights. Report­ing helps com­pa­nies mon­i­tor their online busi­ness and be alerted to when data falls out­side of expected ranges. Good analytics should raise ques­tions about the busi­ness from its end users.

One way to dis­tin­guish whether your orga­ni­za­tion is empha­siz­ing report­ing or analy­sis is by iden­ti­fy­ing the pri­mary tasks that are being per­formed by your ana­lyt­ics team. If most of the team’s time is spent on activ­i­ties such as build­ing, con­fig­ur­ing, con­sol­i­dat­ing, orga­niz­ing, for­mat­ting, and sum­ma­riz­ing — that’s report­ing.      The goal of TrackResults analy­tics is to help answer ques­tions by inter­pret­ing the data at a deeper level and pro­vid­e action­able indicators.

Analy­sis  focuses  on  dif­fer­ent  tasks such as ques­tion­ing, exam­in­ing, inter­pret­ing, com­par­ing, and validating.

If you ever wonder what version your currently using,  just hover your mouse over the copyright  (2012 TrackResults   All rights reserved) on the bottom of every page , and it appears.

Version 6.6 boasts performance boosts that are especially designed to help clients of TrackResults who connect to other systems.. or perform frequent manual administrative tasks like adding lots of venues, users, gifts, special teams. For those that do manual data transfers via uploads and exports your job just got easier, faster and better.

Here are the major improvements summarized:

  • Performance improvement for all admin/management pages (extremely fast page loads and sorting)
  • Search for all admin/management pages ( 400 venues? no prob..!)
  • Added Locked out column  (password incorrect) and Last Login Date column to the Manage Users Page (monitoring users)
  • New internal standardized model for pick-lists improving time to develop and test new pick-lists (faster deployment for custom pick-lists and change requests)
  • Added  “listing order” of administrative items for default placement (place them where you want them)
  • Bookings Import now checks and displays an error when importing a duplicate phone number within the booking import file (no dupes allowed)
  • New note describing the existing customer matching rule on Booking Import ( user friendly reminder)
  • Added Marketing Agent to the Lead Import (Designates agent/user during upload)
  • External Tour ID now changeable through the Api (flexibility for older systems like SPI and TSW)
  • Api Get Tours now returns the time and date from the TrackResults database with the exact time of the Api request (this addition ensures no lost time gaps when syncing TrackResults changes through the Api)
  • Last used file-name and  Import Number now displayed on all imports ( upon successful completion)
  • Searching by Import Number available ( advanced user function)
  • Import Number now viewable on the Tour View (disabled by default)


We are always investing in better infrastructure and performance for our clients. It is not always about features, its also about portability, mobility and connectivity. That was soooo 15 seconds ago!
What has changed isn’t readily visible, however, a lot of performance tuning has been applied under the hood. Here is a partial list of what has changed:

  • Data security can now be customized on an install by install basis.
  • Security Roles can now have their nicknames changed or be completely removed from the UI.
  • SalesCloser role has been removed, replaced with SalesAgents. (v6.6)
  • Sales Dashboard role (NEW ROLE!)  is available for deployment to all installs. (v6.6)
  • All user pick-lists have better filtering and typeaheads for speedy picking.
  • The “Unscheduled” tours are automatically excluded of all reports except for Marketing Detail Report (MDR), Call Center Detail (CCD) (NEW MODULE!) and Tour Status Efficiency (TSE) reports.
  • The search bar is defaulted to partial match searching instead of exact match, causing wider, less filtered results. (e.g. ” joh” search returns ” john, Johnson, johnny”).
  • The search bar now includes the guest-name and the secondary phone number fields. The search bar can be customized by install for a date period or range, to full matches only and/or to exclude searching sales info such as purchase ID and contract number (for marketers only). The more you filter, the faster it flies.

Faster, Better.   In testing, a text string search of nine combined fields on 2,000,000 records went down from an average of 14 seconds to about 2.6 seconds (amazing how long 11.4 seconds feels when you’re in pain).
Our goal is to remain the vacation ownership industry’s only easy-to-use performance analytics and instant report builder with fast results. Any clients noticing performance changes (positive or negative experience) are encouraged to comment to us using the Contact Us form.

TrackResults released a new role-based feature, “Dashboard user,” which allows web access directly to the dashboard reporting module.
The main purpose of this new role is to allow sales agents the ability to track goals and performance, add CRM comments, and using TrackResults advanced client lookup features, still protect compartmented information.

TrackResults says, “This limited role is a type of an introductory role to the sales agents, as they learn to track the Key performance indicators where the company wants them focused. Novice users can instantly access this dashboard from their cellphones, or any other mobile device. This role also allows the agents to “comment” on the current status of a client, communicating to other company staff very specific states of the existing lead, prospect or client.”
This is a great way for companies to take the first step toward cross communication and interconnectivity between staff.

How many people does it take to generate 2 BILLION dollars in net sales?
( all numbers are approximate, using End date Dec 31, 2011)

$1,984,232,000  sales ( Dollars) volume produced using TrackResults intelligence.
3,783,452   timeshare and travel club tours manifested
82,251  report combinations and permutations available selecting only 4 attributes.   
20,287  timeshare and vacation club professionals have been tracked
8,875  unique TrackResults users.
5,869  active industry professionals currently being analyzed for performance
5,167  mail, daydrive, and OPC marketing venues rated
451 unique sales locations & call centers accessed our manifests.   
82  domains deliver TrackResults marketing intelligence
58  attributes you can isolate or combine for instant intelligence
11  TrackResults Certified Marketers. 
  company professionals that assist you.  
1 day required to train your whole team.
.01%  tolerance for bugs, slugs, lame ass reporting, and complacency.
ZER0 The number of industry companies with our analytics capabilities. 

Complacency : self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of deficiencies   

TrackResults just doubled its capacity in the Cloud. TrackResults is a flexible and scale-able platform, which allowed us to  double capacity within a short maintenance window with no downtime. We added 4 more servers, each with 8 processors and 16 gigs or RAM… This is ” on demand” scalability and elasticity.

 Database server clones were deployed ( hydrated), as well as web servers,  and every TrackResults customer will see an immediate benefit with faster reporting, booking, exporting and importing.  The increase in capacity also supports the record growth TrackResults and its clients have been experiencing.   

This increase in resources was a smart move to preempt bottlenecks in performance.  With all the new features in version 6.5 , like the major API build we just completed, we can connect to existing legacy systems like TimeshareWare and with custom modifications, most CRM’s. Clients with multiple Trax systems can also automatically talk to one another , if desired.
Read about details about these new features  [more]
The API is great because its been designed to do all the heavy lifting for the developer, following the same philosophy as the rest of our applications, easy to use with powerful results.
  • Version 6.5 also has the ability to activate additional modules such as
  • Pender Come Good analysis,
  • Call center efficiency,
  • Courtesy tour as “Q”‘s calculations
  • Security log auditing
  • Graphical displays for charting and reporting and more.
Additionally,  thousand of users are logging on through thier smartphones daily, so we decided to be proactive to make thier mobile access faster. In essence,  we pumped up the volume and bandwidth.

No. You dont need an IT department to use our servers or services.  All you need is your standard internet browser on your desktop or laptop computer. We become your remote IT dept, and all your data stays on our Cloud servers .. safe , secure, managed, patched, backed up and UPS powered.  It’s already included in your pricing 

Unless you are in the “less than 3%” of vacation ownership industry companies that have purchased INDUSTRY SPECIFIC BI software, you dont have it47% of  500 companies surveyed , plan to buy business intelligence in 2011.

True BI technologies provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations. Common functions of business intelligence technologies are reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, and predictive analytics.

Unless you can do all (or most) of this instantly, on the fly, you DONT HAVE BI. Good BI paints a picture for you. Stock analysts would never play the market without current Intelligence tools like these. Why are you playing around in this economy without it?
Comparing our Live Business Intelligence database to a spreadsheet or crystal report is like comparing a stockmarket ticker to last week’s stock prices quoted in the newspaper. Your static software reports can’t do this for you.

Picture two gamblers consider betting on a horserace. One gambler reads last week’s results on 2 of the 8 horses , listens to the crowds opinions, and places a bet with your money… Use him, and you win about 13% of the time.

The other gambler has a spreadsheet and a software program. It is familiar with of  7 of the 8 horses, in rain, on mud, on grass, with different jockeys, when in specific postions farther from the rail, and under all weather types. He confirms with the trainers and track vet of all horses’ current health, as of this am. THEN he reads the 1 page summary of three other renowned handicappers’ opinions and calculates the odds and bets with your moneyYou win 34% of the time. Then he subscribes to an advanced business intelligence service, and increases your winning ratio to 43%. Its the 9% extra margin YOU DONT HAVE and its ALL PROFIT .

By 2014,  40% of business in competitive markets will rely on business intelligence to survive. Depend on it like life or death importance. Luckily, your not forced. Yet, by that time, you will be three years behind them, if you wait to start. Many have already started, and are already a year or two ahead of you.