We are always investing in better infrastructure and performance for our clients. It is not always about features, its also about portability, mobility and connectivity. That was soooo 15 seconds ago!
What has changed isn’t readily visible, however, a lot of performance tuning has been applied under the hood. Here is a partial list of what has changed:
- Data security can now be customized on an install by install basis.
- Security Roles can now have their nicknames changed or be completely removed from the UI.
- SalesCloser role has been removed, replaced with SalesAgents. (v6.6)
- Sales Dashboard role (NEW ROLE!) is available for deployment to all installs. (v6.6)
- All user pick-lists have better filtering and typeaheads for speedy picking.
- The “Unscheduled” tours are automatically excluded of all reports except for Marketing Detail Report (MDR), Call Center Detail (CCD) (NEW MODULE!) and Tour Status Efficiency (TSE) reports.
- The search bar is defaulted to partial match searching instead of exact match, causing wider, less filtered results. (e.g. ” joh” search returns ” john, Johnson, johnny”).
- The search bar now includes the guest-name and the secondary phone number fields. The search bar can be customized by install for a date period or range, to full matches only and/or to exclude searching sales info such as purchase ID and contract number (for marketers only). The more you filter, the faster it flies.
Faster, Better. In testing, a text string search of nine combined fields on 2,000,000 records went down from an average of 14 seconds to about 2.6 seconds (amazing how long 11.4 seconds feels when you’re in pain).
Our goal is to remain the vacation ownership industry’s only easy-to-use performance analytics and instant report builder with fast results. Any clients noticing performance changes (positive or negative experience) are encouraged to comment to us using the Contact Us form.